Friday, September 5, 2008

President Remengesau an Environmental Star

Palau has warranted many mentions in environmental news over the last two weeks. Thanks to efforts by President Tommy Remengesau, Palau will receive $1 million from The Nature Conservancy as part of the Micronesia Challenge working toward environmental conservation.

The President is also asking Hawaii to join the Global Island Partnership, the worldwide environmental initiative which the Challenge is part of. Islands got to stick together!

President Remengesau traces his environmental conservation roots to a painful lesson taught by his grandfather about catching more fish than the family could possibly eat. Finally, I understand the benefits of corporal punishment.

The President was even dubbed an "Under-Appreciated Eco-Hero" by Greenopolis. That's perhaps not as impressive as being named one of the "Heroes of the Environment" by Time Magazine, but I'm sure he's honored nonetheless.

His efforts got the attention of blogger Fr. Peter, who is concerned about Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin's skepticism toward global warming. You'd think Palin, being from Alaska, would have noticed all the Arctic ice melting around her.

You'd also think she'd want to prevent Palau from being swamped by rising ocean levels, seeing as Palau was part of the Coalition of the Willing in God's war against Iraq.

Discovery Cove, a watery theme park in Orlando, offers another way to help the environment without really trying: $25 from each dolphin swim will help Palauan reefs in what theme park website Thrill Network dubs "A Relaxing Way to Rescue the Reef." Finally, I understand the benefits of keeping dolphins captive.

Nonprofit put out a call for signatures on a petition to be presented to the UN Security Council regarding global warming. They quote President Remengesau in the email sent out to members. The guy's a star!